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“D³: DeepDiveDev” is Dina’s series of development project related articles — our teach team’s mind poured out on paper with all creativity.
The 3 articles are a part of a big story narrated by our Tamás Harkai — the story of BMW virtual reality project.
“D³: DeepDiveDev” is Dina’s series of development project related articles — our teach team’s mind poured out on paper with all creativity.
The 3 articles are a part of a big story narrated by our Tamás Harkai — the story of BMW virtual reality project.
“D³: DeepDiveDev” is Dina’s series of development project related articles — our teach team’s mind poured out on paper with all creativity.
Get ready: the next article will be a big story the story of BMW virtual reality project – as originally narrated by Tamás Harkai.