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How we helped Erste Bank to get a fully
reimagined mobile-banking app design

2018 was a game-changing year for retail banking in Hungary. With the growing need for mobile banking and the rise of market challengers like Transferwise or Revolut, Erste Bank needed to step up their digital game and create a mobile bank app with high usability standards and a fresh appearance in an extremely short time. That’s when they turned to us.
UX research, concept and design
UXPin, Sketch
Mobile – Android and iOS
148 wireframes & 148 graphic design screens


Our mission was to conduct a
comprehensive UX research, plan all new
customer journeys from money transfer to
TouchID settings and design a one-of-a-kind
user interface in a little more than 3 months.

Adapting the new design to the old backend system
As it was a UX/UI re-design, the new user journeys had to be adjusted to the old backend systems of the bank. We spent more than 200 hours on-site and on the field interviewing experts from the company, understanding banking systems, legal and security constraints and the given limitations for the planned user journeys.
Adopting agile methods to a corporate environment and an external development team
With the short deadline, the strict corporate environment and an external development team, being agile was more important than ever. To incorporate agile, we re-engineered our SCRUM-based in-house design and communication structures, and provided full transparency about the progress to each party.
Making the features and customer processes compliant with the new EU banking directive
As PSD2 ((Revised Payment Service Directive) was implemented any new changes had to comply with new EU regulations. We had to learn a lot about an enormous amount of new security and online banking standards to meet the legal criteria.
Working to meet an insanely short deadline
3 months. That’s all the time we had to create a research-backed user experience re-design of the widely used retail banking application. We applied design thinking and lean methodologies, we communicated constantly with the client and organized sprint planning and review meetings, retrospectives, daily standups, brainstorming events and on-site days to make progress with the high speed required for the project.
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